Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rockefeller Center

A few weeks ago I asked Roz if she was going to take her kids into New York City to see the huge Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center because if so I wanted to tag a long, she said she had no desire to go but that Casey and I could take them, so I jumped at the chance! Today we finally went, it was so much fun! Here are our pictures!

So all the kids knew was that they were going to do something fun today and it wasn't going to be with their mom. Well I ruined one of the surprises when I pulled into the driveway. But they still didn't know where we were going. They kept guessing things like Hike, McDonalds, a friend's home, etc.... Finally when we pulled in front of the train station they know... NEW YORK CITY!

Connor and Christina had a fun time counting all of the train stations we passed on the way there.

Look at these huge lights we found!

All 5 of us!

After we saw the tree we decided to go to the top of the Rock AKA The Rockefeller Building. Look at the view! That's the Empire State Building behind us!

And there's Central Park!

Another view of the tree.

Connor loves standing whenever we take the subway :)

The rest of us were fine with resting our legs for a little while!

Connor's hair was awesome after a whole day of wearing a hat!

We were all so tired after our day in the city! Ready to go home and see mom!

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