Monday, February 23, 2009

Mohegan Sun!

Well I just had a very long, but fun weekend! The family I work for decided that since they didn't have school last week they were going to go to a casino in Norwich called Mohegan Sun. I was invited so I jumped at the chance because it sounded fun. We were there Thursday through Sunday. We went with Rosalind's (the mom I work for) friend Olga and her two kids Petro and Anna, so those are the other kids in the pictures! Here are a few fun pictures from the weekend!

Haha, here's Connor ready to go! jk! I love how he has the top half of his pjs on, swimming goggles, and the diaper bag/backpack...and he's walking out the door... welp see ya later!

Well when we first walked into the Casino this is what we saw on the ceiling, it's all beadwork. There were some amazing designs all over the casino made from beads!

Here's a statue they had in the Casino, I loved it!

We had lunch at Johnny Rocket
Here's Petro, Caroline, and Christina having fun!
Oh my gosh it was sooooo funny! While we were eating Connor just started dancing in his seat! Luckily Caroline was acrossed from him and pulled out her camera to record it! Check this video out! It's soooo funny! I think the funniest part is at around 40 seconds into it he just stops dancing for a moment and looks totally normal, then he starts back up again! Love it!
The kids loved swimming! Truthfully it made me really tired! But I still had fun! Here's Caroline and Petro swimming!

haha you have no idea how many tries we had on this feet one and I still only have one of Caroline's feet!

Here's Connor doing a dance! It's a lot cuter in person, believe me!

Here's the cutest picture of Christina! Connor was stuffing his mouth full of grapes! But this is a very typical look for Connor because I often have to remind him to chew what's in his mouth before he takes another bite!

haha I'm sure his mother won't appreciate this picture on the world wide web, but it has a funny story! We were sitting by the pool and Connor stuck his fingers in his nose like this and started singing his ABC's! He just kept singing and singing! I think he liked the nasally sound that it made...but I'm not sure, he looked soooo funny!

Here's Petro and Anna sharing a Strawberry Daquari, I had a Margaritta and a Pina Coloda while I was there, virgin of course!

Here's all five of the kids that were on our trip.

Here's me and Caroline (I hate my bangs in this picture!)

And here's me and Connor!
It was so interesting to go on a trip with people other than my own family, it's always interesting to see how different I am from other people because of the way I was raised. Anna thought it was weird that I've never had a two peice swimsuit and that I wear such long shorts with my swimsuit, hey at least I didn't wear a shirt over my swimsuit, I've been known to do that too... Then it was weird to have people encourage me to gamble! Olga and Rosalind helped me out at the Blackjack tables and I ended up learning the strategies pretty well! I love blackjack! I had a great I need to catch up on my sleep...

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