Friday, March 5, 2010


So tonight Connor came into the kitchen while I was making dinner and showed me this strip of cloth and said "This is my ???" but I couldn't understand what it was he was saying, he repeated himself and I still couldn't understand him, then he walked up to me and tapped my chest and said "what is this?" Jaimie: "My sweater?" Connor: "No this" and he taps my chest again Jaimie: "My bra?" Connor: "Yeah! This is my bra!" Jaimie: "Connor, boys don't wear bras." Well a little bit later Connor comes back downstairs and he had had his mom tye it on him like a bra... here he is

he officially lives with too many girls...

1 comment:

Becca Bingham said...

Wow! You better make sure you help that little boy out by doing man things before you leave!

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