Sunday, September 7, 2008

Institute Opening Social

Well Friday night MCC had it's opening social. It was way fun! But I realized that I have the biggest problem with talking to boys! Don't get me wrong I talked to a lot of boys...but I already know them all! Does that count?! I guess I have just way too many guy friends because I don't feel like I need to get out of my bubble!
Well anyways I had so much fun talking to my friends and helping Brenda King (she's on Institute Council so she was way busy because she was in charge of the activity) with random things. Then she realized that she was supposed to be taking pictures and that she had totally forgot, so since she was busy I just took her camera and started taking tons of pictures! You can find them all on her facebook and I'll put a few on this post. It was fun though because I would just go up to a random group of people and ask if I could take there picture! Everyone thought I was crazy, which in a sense is true! Brady Weston was very nice to pose for a few shots also, haha he did a good job of entertaining me!
After the Institute Social Brenda, Jeff Brinton, Ted Sowards, Kirt McKay, and I were really thirsty (because they had run out of cups at the activity) so we went to walmart and bought orange juice and cookie dough, a very random combination I know! We stayed outside in the Parking Lot for a couple hours after that just talking, listening to music and passing the OJ around! I think of the three, Tropicana, Some Florida kind, and the Naked Orange Juice, I liked the Naked one better! We figured this is how mormons get together and drink... So the last picture is of some of us at Walmart, and yes we really did sit in those as we talked!

Keirsten being the model that she is...

Annie and Keirsten

Jill, what a hottie!

Me and the girls!

...and Brady....

Brady and Tim, what lovely faces...

Tim and Brady...again...
Keirsten and Brady
Brenda just doing her job so well
These two scare me...
Ted and his water skills
Me and Josie
Brenda, hanging out with the water jugs, that's all she did all night...
James and Kyle
Brady doing a pose he said he learned from Tanner (Chaya you should be proud)
Talking outside of Walmart after the Social!

1 comment:

Alicia & Robert said...

Wow, sounds like a blast!

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