Sunday, May 31, 2009

3D fun!!!

Ok I have a problem (Hannah just add this one to the list of problems ok?) and it's that I LOVE buying DVDs, well I've been doing really good since I came here, until a few days ago. Then I went to Blockbuster and they were having a sale 3 DVDs for $20 and they were newer movies that I really wanted...sooooo...I bought 9...a lot, I know!!! But one of the ones that I got was "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and so tonight I watched it with the kids and they loved it! On one side of the dvd you can watch it in 3D so it was fun sitting there with the girls with our glasses on! I was babysitting while we watched it and Roz, Bill and Bev came home during an intense 3D scene and when they walked in I just put my hand up to stop whatever it was they were going to say because I was soooo into the scene, it was really fun!

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